Wall Street Woman
Tara Bukman, Charlie Edwards, Louis Elias, Paul Van Hent, Dan Smith, another
Joe D'Amato's picture of a negotiated Italian man is slightly less than two hundred paintings, the vast majority of which are erotic. The " rural woman " is an exception, but rather pleasant. We're offering to see our Internet cinotheatre visitors this serious drama online. Brenda Baxter goes to the gym, watches the shares of large companies, and always carefully reviews every move. She's a brilliant leader who's under control. She's married, but her husband's already young, although she's still trying to keep herself young. Brenda is a success, but a tight schedule of meetings with business partners, a fascination of work and an attachment to her husband leaves no time for an innocent flirt. At the sports complex where she goes, Alex's young handsome man does. He's trying to meet her, but he's losing it. Which doesn't prevent him from entering the business ice office next morning to interview her. It's hard to guess, it's the beginning of their dizzy novel.
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