В результате к концу 30–х

American Depression

Fever, sugar diabetes, hypertension, depression, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke. And that's not a complete list.

President Obama said that he had been sleeping for six hours, but he was not always able to follow that rule. Bill Clinton, as head of State, also slept between five and six hours. The far-reaching electoral race has a negative impact on the sleep of a potential presidential candidate. And if elected, conditions are not improving.

How many high-ranking officials like the President of the country should sleep in order to remain in optimal shape?

As a neurologist who has studied dreams for many years, I know that it has a significant impact on our productivity and health. Only a few five to six hours sleep at night. The rest needs more.

Scientists have yet to develop a consolidated theory of evolutionary destiny and sleep functions. However, research has already found some important sleep functions for our body and brain.

Based on meta-analysis of medical research literature, the American Academy of Son Medicine and the Sung Research Community issued a joint report last year recommending that an adult be able to maintain optimal health to sleep at least seven hours at night. This recommendation was based on a systematic study of previous studies. Scientists also caution: less than six hours of sleep at night on a regular basis " insufficient to maintain health " .

Moses of sleep and their functions

The man has two major sleep phases, a slow and fast sleep. Rapid sleep is a phase where a man sees the brightest dreams. Slow - subsequently divided into a sensitive sleep (N1 and N2) and a deep slow-wave sleep (N3 phase). Deep sleep is considered to be particularly important for physical recovery and human health. It participates in the process of building cell life and rehabilitating the body.

For normal memory, it's important that both sleep phases are normal, slow and fast. Rapid sleep is important to consolidate memory, especially when it comes to procedural and spatial memory. Slow sleep is very important for declarative memory, as it enables a person to process and consolidate " declarative " memories.

Our brain cells (neurons) interact with each other through synapses, compounds for the transmission of the nervous impulse with the chemical Messengers (niromedics). Slow sleep is necessary to reduce and improve these networks and linkages. Improvements are needed to maintain strong and remove weak links in the process of memorial consolidation.

Only a few people have five to six hours sleep at night.
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